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Dog Essentials: Jumping on People & Counter Surfing
Welcome to the Dog Jumping Workshop!
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Let's Get Started! (0:24)
What You'll Need to Train Your Dog
Is Your Jumping on You or Other People?
Why Dogs Jump (3:30)
Set Up for Success: Managing Your Dog's Environment
Jumping "Pain Point" Examples (0:57)
Teach Your Dog What TO Do Instead of Jumping (1:19)
Alternative Behavior #1 for Jumping: Sit
Alternative Behavior #2 for Jumping: Touch (Target)
Jumping "Pain Point" AFTER Training (2:13)
Be Proactive! (1:53)
Teaching Your Dog Polite Greetings
Polite Greeting Practice Example (1:05)
What to Do When Your Dog Jumps on You
What NOT to Do When Your Dog Jumps on You
Is Your Dog Jumping on Counters?
Counter Surfing and Why It's Dangerous (2:06)
How to Prevent Counter Surfing
Teaching Your Dog to Stay Off Counters (2:24)
Training Your Dog to Stay Out of the Kitchen (2:29)
Wrap Up
Next Steps! (0:35)
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